10 Psychological Facts About Love to Improve a Relationship
Psychological Facts About Love
Hey guys! before we start we want to let you know that we’re so grateful for all the love and support you’ve given us.
I strive to help everyone learn about psychology in a fun engaging and digestible way.
So, let’s begin.
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Is love the most important thing we do?
In 2015, a 75-year study collected data on the lives of 268 people, researchers wanted to find the secret to a happier life and the answer was love.
Love changes you, guides you, and destroys you it’s mysterious and powerful in ways science can hardly explain.
To help you understand this extraordinary feeling,
Here are 10 psychological facts you may not have known about love.
1. Love literally hurts.
In 2017, researchers Taman and Ahmed found that love increases your perception of pain without injury or disease.
Love can create and enhance physical pain all on its own but how is this possible?
Anatomically pain and love blend together in your brain. The areas responsible for pain and love overlap so, these feelings become entangled.
Psychologically the relationship between love and pain is even more confusing.
For example, psychology facts about love say heartbreaks can fool you into feeling pain that doesn’t exist.
We’ve felt the pressure and aching of a broken heart. Your heart isn’t actually broken, love and pain are simply woven together
2. Love relieves pain.
Love can hurt you but love can also heal you according to psychology facts about love.
The same 2017 study found that adoration can reduce cover or numb both physical and enthusiastic agony.
This amazing feeling enacts zones of the prefrontal cortex which feel comfort security and closeness when these zones of the brain activate.
Love dulls your pain almost like a painkiller.
Ultimately, love is a double-edged sword, sometimes it keeps us safe and happy other times it cuts us up and cuts us down.
3. Love works Quickly.
How long does it take to fall in love?
Most people say somewhere between 3–5 months but your brain that adoration can reduce cover or numb both physical and enthusiastic agony.
This amazing feeling enacts zones of the prefrontal cortex which feel comfort, security, and closeness.
When these zones love in rare cases it only needs 5 minutes lasting.
Love requires time to grow and mature but that spark can ignite almost instantly.
4. Love is addictive.
In 2010, a Neuroimaging study by ortik and others found many similarities between love and substance abuse.
When falling in love your brain experiences a blinding rapture that elation originates from a mixed drink of neurochemicals.
For example, dopamine, oxytocin, and adrenaline turn out a few of them.
Medications trigger precisely the same reaction in your cerebrum not just does the experience copy drug use yet love is similarly as irresistible.
Your cerebrum wants to be enamored and it hungers for affection when that feeling is removed.
That is one of the many reasons why breakups create stress and raise your risk of depression, passion. Love is like an addiction for better or for worse.
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